Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wes and I have been married for 14 wonderful years. We have 5 kids. Ashlee 11, Gracee 8, Kloee 2, Shaylee 1 and our only boy Luke 10m. After having Ashlee and finding out she had Cystic Fibrosis we decided to adopt. We adopted Gracee when Ashlee was 3. Of course at that time we felt that our family was complete. When Gracee was 5 God put it on our hearts to adopt another child. We waited 2 years and we were finally Blessed with Kloee. We first got Kloee as a foster child and on September 12,2008 she was finally forever ours. When Kloee was 15 months we got Luke as a foster child and he was also forever our on September 12,2008. Four children seemed like the perfect # until Kloee's bio sister was put into foster care. Wes and I discussed the idea with our parents and ashlee and Gracee. We all agreed that it would be best to keep Kloee and her sister together. We picked Shaylee up on September 10,2008. She is still currently in foster care but we are praying that we are able to adopt her in the near future. Life is very busy but we would not have it any other way. View my complete profile

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Yes you are a family. And a wonderful family at that. Yes, this is from a Nana, Nana Sandi. No I am not biased as they are a greatfamily. All anyone need to do is spenda little time with any one of them and you will agree. The babies are so well adjusted and the big sisters are wonderful and such a big help and great role models. I love them all so much. Love you Nana Sandi
